# ::::: URL to FAQ - if there is a FAQ for this specific language, change this to point to the correct URL :::#
rf.welcome.header=Tere tulemast ReminderFox'i!
rf.welcome.notes=ReminderFox'i uus kasutaja? Kasuta allpoololevat linki "Launch URL" nupuga avamaks ReminderFox'i KKK.\\n\\nLisak├╝simuste ja kommentaaride puhul, v├╡id saata ka teate e-posti loendisse: http://reminderfox.mozdev.org/list.html
# ::::: Options Dialog ::::: #
rf.options.export.success.description=Sinu meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd on edukalt eksporditud.
rf.options.import.success.description=Sinu meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd on edukalt imporditud.
rf.options.export.prefs.success.description=Sinu ReminderFox eelistused on edukalt eksporditud.
rf.options.import.prefs.success.description=Sinu ReminderFox eelistused on edukalt imporditud.
rf.options.import.filepicker.title=Impordi meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd
rf.options.export.filepicker.title=Ekspordi meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd
rf.options.sound.filepicker.title=Vali helifail
rf.options.filelocation.filepicker.title=Vali faili asukoht
rf.options.export.failure.description=Sinu meeldetuletusi ja ToDo'sid polnud v├╡imalik eksportida.
rf.options.import.failure.description=Import eba├╡nnestus. Kontrolli, et tegemist oleks korrektse meeldetuletusi ja ToDo'sid sisaldava failiga.
rf.options.export.prefs.failure.description=Sinu ReminderFox'i eelistusi polnud v├╡imalik eksportida.
rf.options.import.prefs.failure.description=Import eba├╡nnestus. Tee kindlaks, et tegemist on korrektse eelistuste failiga.
rf.options.import.overwrite.title=Kirjuta meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd ├╝le?
rf.options.import.overwrite.description=Soovid kindlasti ülekirjutada? Kõik sinu olemasolevad meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd lähevad kaotsi ja kirjutatakse üle imporditavate kirjetega.
rf.options.import.overwriteoradd.description.1=Kuidas sa soovid importida oma meeldetuletusi ja ToDo'sid?
rf.options.import.overwriteoradd.description.2='Lisa' lisab imporditud kirjed sinu hetkel olemasolevasse meeldetuletuste ja ToDo'de nimekirja (kordusi eiratakse).
rf.options.import.overwriteoradd.description.3='Kirjuta ├╝le' kustutab k├╡ik olemasolevad meeldetuletused ja ToDo'd ning asendab need imporditavate kirjetega.
rf.schedule.import.dand=Schedule data imported using Drag'n'Drop
rf.schedule.import.dataof=Schedule data of
rf.schedule.import.novalid=[iCal/ICS] No valid calendar/event data.
# TB/AB add Contact to Reminder
# TB send ++
rf.sendw.reminder.error=Meeldetuletust ei leitud!
# Views
rf.views.ttt.editor='View' Editor
rf.views.ttt.edit=Edit 'View's
rf.views.ttt.view=Select a 'View' to edit 'criteria'
rf.views.ttt.criteria=Select a 'Criteria' to edit
rf.views.ttt.viewremove1=The 'View'
rf.views.ttt.viewremove2=will be removed!
rf.views.ttt.viewremoveTitel=REMOVE the 'View'
rf.views.ttt.editor.exportSend=All events of the selected 'View' will be exported/sent as ICS data.
rf.views.newView=New 'View'
rf.views.enterName=Enter the new 'View' name:
# Note to translators:
# 'rf.views.change' has to fit onto a small button!!
rf.views.closeWarning=All CHANGES to 'View' and/or 'Criteria' will be discarded!
rf.views.discard=YES, discard
rf.views.noGoBack=NO, go back to Editor
rf.views.noSave=NO, save
rf.views.closeTitel='View' Editor - Closing
# Note to translators:
# the strings 'rf.views.infox' contain '\n' which are handled for paragraph spacing
# to make the Infos reading more easy. Include those also with the translated text
rf.views.info1= 'Views' are used to preselect reminders in the ReminderFox 'List'.\n\n A 'View' can have one or more 'Criteria'.\n\n The 'Criteria' defines if the reminder is included in the 'View'. Each 'Criteria' is related to one reminder attribute: DESCRIPTION, NOTES, CATEGORIES, LOCATION or DATE.\n\n A criteria is fulfilled if it's value is contained in the reminders related attribute. A 'View' can contain multiple 'Criteria', these will be treated as AND condition, all criteria has to be fulfilled.\n A criteria can contain multiple values; these are connected as an OR condition, so to fulfill the criteria only one value has to match with the related reminder attribute.
rf.views.info2= Select a 'Criteria' from the pulldown-menu: DESCRIPTION, NOTES, CATEGORIES, LOCATION or DATE.\n\n For DATE the values are selected with the menu. The other criteria are entered into the textbox, multiple values are possible and have to be separated by comma.\n\n The button is activated for 'Add' or 'Edit' of the criteria value.
rf.add2Textbox.info1= DoubleClick on a listbox row to add that item into the textbox at the cursor position